Tuesday 2 October 2012

General Rounding Up :) xx

First month of college gone and it has flew in. My first expectations I expected to have alot of practical work, get practicing hair and makeup methods and gradually build up our skills. We had this...times 10! Right away we were given research tasks for all kinds of makeup and hairstyling, things I had never even seen or heard of, methods I didn't know of, even working on wigs which I never thought i would have to learn about. was a real shock to the system how quickly we were thrown right in to everything! Even making this blog, for a cave woman like myself I found quite difficult. But I have to admit I'm glad of it now because just a few weeks in now I feel like i can do alot more than I thought I would have at this stage of my course.

The college has supplied us with materials and brushes for through-out the course, we will have out own t-shirts (which I cannot wait to jazz up with my own style) and we are given alot of help and support with our tasks.

Think the funniest moment in college so far was last week when we had our which demo of a witch done by one of our lecturers. Yes, I was the model, and by the time she was finished paintin my face, wrinkling my skin, drooping my eyes, frizing up my hair and putting horrible stains on my teeth I didn't recognise myself!! Was very scary, and hilarious at the same time. Had to pose for pictures which were posted all over facebook, lol! Infact I should try and post a picture of it on here, give you all a giggle heehee.

Have really been enjoying my hairdressing, seeing as I haven;t always been good with hair. My own hair is very VERY long and I don't tend to style it so I never really learned how to style hair. I can now pin-curl hair and I can style and set hair using rollers which I have always wanted to be able to do! GO ME!

As of now I wouldn't say I have a particular makeup artist as my idol, but I want to build myself up to be as good as some of the best! I have great admiration for those who can do such amazing work on filmset for those like Tim Burton. ANYTHING done in tim Burton films blows my mind\! I wanna be able to do that stuff....

By the time I have completed my course I want to be able to do anything I set my mind to and create a fun-filled, successful career for myself. Follow my life moto....

If you want something in life, MAKE IT HAPPEN.

Thanks for reading my post peeps, big luvs, JD xxxx

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