Tuesday 6 November 2012

My Halloween Character!

In class over the halloween period I was practicing my Sally character makeup from The Nightmare Before Christmas! LOVE THIS FILM!

I did it rather well I think, will be adding pictures of my work soon (problems with adding pictures from my phone :( ) I love the fact that although the character is a doll model in the films, when doing the character makeup the scars and stitches I do are made to look as real as possible with the flesh pulled with the string but the cartoon-like eyes are made to look animated. Getting both to work together is quite a challange but was excellent fun and such a great feeling when I manage to get it looking perfect! :D

I did make slight changes though when it came to the stitching, the stiches are pale on the character but I did them to look like black thread holding her together, just so it could contrast against the colouring I did to show the skin being tightly pulled. Also felt it helped with the definition of her cheeks.

Images to follow guys, shant be long!

Big luvz, JD xxxx

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