Tuesday 6 November 2012

Halloween Fundraiser

Well on Wednesday last week my college class had our halloween fundraiser which raised around £300!

went very well i think, we had cakes, sweeties, face painting, SFX, raffles and spent the day harrasing the students of James Watt to buy them from us aswell as jumping around dancing in out costumes!

Everybodys costumes were brilliant and we all had great fun, we all worked together and the day went smoothly.
I think the most popular stall was the SFX and facepainting, although the bags of mixed sweeties went really quickly also (by me! lol). And the raffle prizes we all put together looked amazing! It contained DVDs, sweeties, halloween toys and halloween makeup and accessories. Still need to find one of our winners who changed rooms before we selected our winners, so on the hunt we go tomorrrow!

All in all i think it went really well although i did find that alot of people thought we wer from previous classes who had also done fundraisers the days before so not everybody was interested in buying anything from us :( but we did well with what we had! *woooo!!*

Pictures to follow! Big Luvz JD xxxx

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